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Caden’s Senior Photos – Peoria, AZ

Caden is like, 100% dude. Deep down he is an old soul and he is only a few months away from leaving his home in Arizona to serve in the Army. He loves dirt, country music, speaking his mind, fixing things, and his bad ass black jeep, a.k.a, “Jessica Jeep.” He is pretty hard core, but underneith this kid’s hard core “manly” persona, there is a young man that is just trying to find his place in the world. He is at that point in his life where he is stuck between being a teenager and an adult, with the world at his feet. I can’t tell you enough, how much I love to capture people at this stage of their life. When I was younger I remember my dad telling me, “You have so much potential and this life goes so fast. Use your time wisely.” That message didn’t sink in until I was older. Now, I see these young people through my camera and I so badly want capture the best pieces of them. The pieces they don’t always see until their older.

Caden – You have so much to give this world. Your potential is undeniable. Remember to use your gifts; your hands combined with that brain that is wired to fix things that are broken, can help others and make a positive difference in this world. Thank you for the joy ride through the Arizona desert. Jessica Jeep is something special for sure. When you are far from home and learning how to serve our country remember that your family is hella proud of you. And remember to stay humble friend, it will take you far.


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